MailerLite Elementor Widget

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We send emails regularly. Unsubscribe any time.

Example 2

How to Get MailerLite API Key and Group ID

In the digital age, effective communication with your audience is key to success. The integration of email marketing tools like MailerLite with website builders such as Elementor has revolutionized how businesses engage with their audience. One such innovation is the Elementor MailerLite Widget, a powerful tool designed to seamlessly incorporate newsletter subscriptions into your website. This article provides a comprehensive guide on using this widget, including the all-important step of obtaining your API key from MailerLite and specifying group IDs for targeted communications.

Understanding the Elementor MailerLite Widget

The Elementor MailerLite Addon is a dynamic tool that allows website owners to add a subscription form to their site. This form is directly linked to your MailerLite account, enabling visitors to sign up for newsletters and other email communications. The widget offers customization options, including the ability to specify group IDs, which allows for more targeted email campaigns based on specific audience segments.

Step 1: Obtaining Your MailerLite API Key

To integrate the MailerLite Widget with your Elementor website, you first need your MailerLite API key. This key connects your website to your MailerLite account, ensuring secure and seamless data transfer. Here’s how to find it:

  1. Log in to your MailerLite account.
  2. Navigate to the “Integrations” tab. [Here, you would attach your screenshot showing where to find the Integration tab]
  3. In the Integrations section, find the API key. This is usually a string of letters and numbers.
  4. Copy this API key; you will need it to configure the Elementor MailerLite Widget.

Step 2: Configuring the Elementor MailerLite Element

After obtaining your API key, the next step is to configure the widget on your Elementor site:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Sparkle Elementor Kit page
  2. Switch to Newsletter tab
  3. Select MailerLite icon tab
  4. In the widget settings, paste the API key you copied from your MailerLite account 

Step 3: Specifying Group IDs (optional)

For more targeted email campaigns, you can specify group IDs in the widget settings. This allows you to segment your subscribers based on different criteria, such as interests or behaviors:

  1. In your MailerLite account, identify or create the groups you want subscribers to join
  2. Each group has a unique ID, which can be found in the URL when you are viewing the group detail
  3. In the Sparkle Elementor Kit settings, enter the group ID(s) in the designated field

Create user group in MailerLite

Find ID in the URL


Integrating the Elementor MailerLite Widget into your website is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your email marketing efforts. By following these steps, you can efficiently set up the widget, connect it to your MailerLite account, and even segment your audience for more personalized communication. This level of integration and customization is what makes the Elementor MailerLite Widget a must-have tool for any website looking to boost its engagement and grow its subscriber base.